25 October 2025

Why do we have Creation Sabbath?

God tells us in the 4th Commandment to “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). But the Commandment doesn’t stop there, after specifying that the Sabbath rest is for all creation, God explains why we should rest,

“For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Exodus 20:11 NKJV).

The God that Christians worship is the Creator of all things. Just as we are saved by grace, we were created by grace, being Creator and Redeemer go hand-in-hand.

Yet it is easy for us to forget to “remember.” That is why we need Creation Sabbath, to remember to “remember.” Our Sabbaths can become consumed with other things, and these things can be genuinely important, but nothing is more important than remembering that God is our Creator and, unlike all false Gods, He does not expect us to earn His favor in some way, the unique God revealed in Scripture asks us to rest with Him, not to work to get His attention, or earn our own salvation (which would be impossible anyway).

Creation Sabbath is a special Sabbath set aside to refocus our attention on the central theme of the Bible; our Creator loves us, has earned salvation for us and offers us abundant life (John 10:10). This is why Creation Sabbath is a special time of celebration, a chance to rejoice at what God has done, to praise Him for the rich gifts He has provided and rest with Him as we enjoy the creation He made to sustain our lives and bring joy to those who know Him. We are invited to be like the sons of God who shouted for joy as the creation week unfolded (Job 38:7).

Why is it on the 4th Sabbath of every October?

The first Creation Sabbath event was Oct 24, 2009. This had more to do with the year than the day of the event, as 2009 marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of his book, The Origin of Species by Natural Selection. Nikolaus Satelmajer, associate secretary of the church's Ministerial Association organized the event. Initially there were no plans for this to become an annual event but successful participation and enthusiam has led to a yearly, global celebration of Creation Sabbath.

Read more here: https://www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/2009/07/god-our-creator

How many years has Creation Sabbath been going on?

Creation Sabbath was started in 2009 by the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association as a "celebration of God's creative power and continued involvement in and care for human life."

Read more at: https://news.adventist.org/en/all-news/news/go/200...

How can I get involved?

Everyone is invited to join Seventh-day Adventist churches worldwide in celebrating Creation Sabbath. A Creation Sabbath event can be small or big. You can use the free resources provided on the website to help plan. If you are a pastor and would like to let people know your church is participating, please register here.

Is there a way for me to know if my church is participating?

Ask your pastor, or even better, encourage your pastor or church leader to register your church's event by clicking on the “Register Your Event” button on the homepage. Church registration is not required to participate, but is a voluntary way of letting others know where a Creation Sabbath celebration is taking place.

My church is not a part of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, can we still participate?

God created us all, surely we can all celebrate this together, whatever denomination we are members of!.

I’m not a Seventh-day Adventist, can I still join a church event or participate?

Absolutely, this is about celebrating and acknowledging God as our creator no matter what church you belong to.

If the 4th Sabbath in October doesn’t work for our church, can we pick another date?

If your church can't celebrate with the rest of the global Seventh-day Adventist community, don't allow this to deny you the joy of celebrating God's creation. We encourage all churches choose a date that will work for their congregation.

Where can I get Creation Sabbath materials or resources to help me prepare?

The Creation Sabbath website has a variety of content available, including sermons, posters, bulletin inserts, social media posts, activities for children, and more. Keep checking back, as new materials and resources are constantly being added.